Makeup on FLEEK Can't Cover What's WEAK!

It's reported that the average woman spends over $250 a month on makeup, which adds up to over $200,000 in a lifetime. And it's also reported that for mental health issues (medication, therapy sessions, and hospital visits), Americans spend over $201 billion a year!
I look at these numbers and it becomes painfully obvious to me that all the makeup in the world, can't cover, dismiss, and deny the illnesses of our hearts and minds. And yet my sisters, so many of us apply our makeup daily, receive compliments, and float on a temporary high until we get home. Once in the privacy of our abodes, we remove it all and look at our REAL selves in the mirror and many don't like what/who we see. I have absolutely nothing against makeup. It's a beautiful ENHANCER. But more than brightening up our outsides, it should be sparkle to our inner beauty.
It saddens me the amount of BEAUTIFUL women walking around today who on the outside look so put together, but on the inside are broken, empty vessels. And we get away with it due to stunning makeup, an impeccable shoe game, the most quality hair weaves, name brand purses, outfits that highlight our curves, and by quoting the best parts of a book we read.
Sisters, it's time to take off the masks, the makeup, the weaves, the fancy clothes (figuratively speaking) and allow God to have access to our REAL SELF. Some of us are trying hard NOT be who God created us to be. Feeling like God made some mistake when it comes to our size, race, complexion, hair texture, nose, or lips; rather than embracing the INTENTIONAL uniqueness in which He created each of us. For some of us we need to get into His Presence so He can recognize us. We've fooled ourselves and others for so long, we think we've got HIM fooled. And God is NOT going to bless FAKE. He blesses REAL.
My sisters, do you realize how INCREDIBLY powerful you are? Women are mighty, courageous, intelligent, insightful, caring, nurturing, and compassionate beings. And the devil knows if we walk in that truth, hell can't reckon with us. Our enemy doesn't want us comfortable in getting up each day and being dressed in our FULL IDENTITY IN CHRIST! Because when we do, lookout! We are coming for those of you who need to know the truth about who you were created to be!
I encourage you today to examine yourself to determine if you've been hiding behind a FLAWLESS external beauty! There is nothing more of a turnoff than a woman who has a beautiful face and body, but an ugly heart.
Are you ready to be REAL? We can be fashionable and be on fleek without being FAKE. Freedom is only available where the TRUTH is present! And a woman who is FREE and CONFIDENT in the Lord is the most BEAUTIFUL woman there is!
Are you ready to be REAL? We can be fashionable and be on fleek without being FAKE. Freedom is only available where the TRUTH is present! And a woman who is FREE and CONFIDENT in the Lord is the most BEAUTIFUL woman there is! <3