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Don't Put a Face to the Fight!

The enemy is very strategic in his attacks - physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

God has placed a powerful purpose in you and every single day, your purpose is under attack. Sure it feels like the people you work with, your boss, your spouse or significant other, your pastor, or your used to be best friend are out to get you. But you must resist the urge to PUT A FACE TO THE FIGHT. It's never them, it's the prince of darkness working THROUGH THEM.

Genesis 50:20 is powerful because Joseph is speaking with his brothers who tried to kill him. They threw him in a pit and counted him off. They told everyone he was dead. They wanted him gone due to jealousy and not understanding his purpose. Ever been there? Maybe they didn't throw you in a physical pit, but they tried to assassinate your character, discourage you, break down your will, etc. And all the while, you've been feeling some type of way about them. But then, God promotes you. He moves you to a new level. He gave you the raise. He blessed you with the new home. He gave you a business. You started a ministry. And when you looked back over the course of events you realized that the divorce, the friendship that ended, the job that you lost, the door that closed - was God! What felt like people's rejection was actually God's protection.

That's what Joseph realized. The enemy's plan at work through his brothers, was meant to destroy him. They threw him in the pit to end his life. But God allowed it because the pit led to the prison that led to the palace. See how that works? Some of you may be in an emotional or financial pit or prison even right now. I want to encourage you to HOLD ON. Your palace is coming!

During this time, God wants your attitude to continue to reflect HIS character. He wants you to be able to forgive, even when the other person doesn't deserve it. He wants you to be the bigger person even though the other person might deserve a good cussing out. He wants you to display HIS love, compassion, and grace. At the appointed time you too will see that whatever a person planned for your demise, God was using it for your development; and ultimately for your DESTINY.

Your DESTINY is bigger than you. It affects many many lives. Just like Genesis 50:21 says, God allowed it because your testimony will be used to save, help, and encourage many! Therefore, you can't back out or quit.

Keep your eyes on God - the author and finisher of your faith and the ONE who gives you the strength to not just endure, but overcome.

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